Every week you can find us in Gezellig to have a conversation, to ask questions or to help you with your next steps.

These consultation hours are an activity in our project Dream Agency (www.dreamagency.nl). We believe everything starts with a dream and we want to help you - especially newcomers working on a new future - to take your first steps towards your dream. We realize not every path to the future is golden paved. So we also want to help you to overcome setbacks and to think in a realistic way about your future. Dream Agency consists of a team of coaches, social workers, psychologists and people in who are rooted in different cultures.

In addition, we also (and in particular) want to support you when you want to shape your future in an entrepreneurial way. We would like to help and advise you on starting a social enterprise.

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Komende activiteiten

2 Mei
International Art Course
Elke donderdag, 15:30 - 17:30 uur

In this course you learn to express your emotions and improve your skills in drawing and painting.

3 Mei
Vrijwilligersbijeenkomst / Volunteer meeting (guests are welcome!)
Vrijdag 3 mei 2024, 17:00 - 20:00 uur

Iedere eerste vrijdag van de maand is er een vrijwilligersbijeenkomst

6 Mei
Yoga meet-up
Elke maandag, 19:00 uur

International yoga lessons with Jean