1,2,3 Improvise will take you to a magical realm; the realm of improvisation.
Here we challenge what we know and we embrace the Unknown, the Unconventional and the Unusual. Wow, the 3U!

Register? Send an email to: contact@dar-al-yasmin.nl

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Komende activiteiten

21 Mei
Yoga meet-up
Elke dinsdag, 11:00 - 12:00 uur

International yoga lessons with Jean

22 Mei
Walk-in consultancy (see description)
Elke woensdag, 15:00 - 17:00 uur

Place: Gezellig, Ganzenheuvel 56 Nijmegen

22 Mei
English language lessons - beginners level
Elke woensdag, 17:00 - 18:00 uur

Place: Gezellig, Ganzenheuvel 56 Nijmegen